Too Big to Eat

Software isn’t eating the world; it’s feeding it. In fact, since Netscape founder and venture capitalist Marc Andreessen wrote his iconic piece for the Wall Street Journal in 2011, data has accumulated to show that hardware businesses are resurgent, and software, rather than replacing humans, is enabling their greater productivity. Read more…

I Knew a Farmer

We were flying due north out of Omaha. The old DC-3 had shuddered with effort on takeoff and rose so slowly we thought the treetops would remain just beneath our wingtips for the entire trip. Level much later at around 20,000 feet the props spun with efficiency and the checker-boarded Read more…

The Karl Rove Tumor

I don’t know if Hillary Clinton has brain damage. I consider it unlikely and am not sure how a new pair of glasses indicates her gray matter is getting banged up from her previous problem. But I do know something about Karl Rove, who has just made that claim, and Read more…

Border Wars

Anyone who says, “All publicity is good publicity,” has, obviously, never had bad publicity. There’s also that other lame line about, “I don’t care what you say about me as long as you spell my name right.” In public relations, neither is an informed approach to dealing with an image. Read more…

Musings of a Cranky Old Guy

“It’s nearly ten years old but “What’s the Matter with Kansas,” by Thomas Frank remains the clearest argument I know for why huge numbers of middle class voters continue to embrace the Republican Party, even though its policies hurt them the most. Frank’s solidly researched book traces the change in Read more…

Mary for Wendy

Guest post by Mary Pauline Lowry, whose new book “Wildfire” will be published in October. Her previous novel, “The Earthquake Machine,” was a Texas girl’s coming of age story that received wide critical praise.  When I was in high school–to quote the television show Portlandia– “the dream of the 90s” Read more…

Train Song

“There were other lonely singers in a world turned deaf and blind who were crucified for what they tried to show. And their voices have been scattered by the swirling winds of time but the truth remains and someone wants to know.” – Kristofferson In the morning dark, he stood Read more…

Which Way Wendy?

Nothing has changed, yet. The new poll on the Texas governor’s race and other statewide campaigns, which was released yesterday, shows the Republican Greg Abbott with a comfortable 51-37 lead over Democrat Wendy Davis. The numbers come from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) in North Carolina. Generally, this is what Read more…